
Anti-Union Campaign

The Company’s Anti-Union Campaign is a Sham. Here’s Why:

So, you’ve decided the only way things are going to get better at your worksite is by forming a union. Want to know how management is going to respond? Sadly, the first thing they will probably do is go out and hire an overpriced anti-union law firm that has never met you and knows nothing about you and your family. Despite this, they’ll try and convince you it’s in your best interest to keep things just the way they are. Then come the lies, misleading statements and smear tactics. Oh yeah… and meetings… lots of meetings! We know this because it’s the playbook almost every company resorts to when they see their employees standing together for a better life. The bottom line is management’s anti-union campaign is meant to create a lot of noise and distract you from the real issue—there are problems at your worksite that only a union negotiated contract can fix. In the coming weeks, you can expect management to rehash some of the same old tired topics union busters have been harping on for years. Certainly there are better ways they could spend their time and money. Treating the workers who keep the company profitable with the respect they deserve would be a start. This booklet is designed to prepare you for what is likely to come during your campaign to form a Union. There will be some minor variations, but the method and the message will almost always be the same.


The Tactics:

Hire a Union Buster and Train Supervisors: Roughly 75% of companies whose workers look to form a union hire an anti-union consultant or lawyer. These individuals like to work in the shadows. Therefore, one of the first things they do is train supervisors and middle management to be the front-line soldiers in the anti-union campaign. Since they have closer relationships with the workers, they are often seen as more effective messengers of the anti-union propaganda. 

Attempt to Cause Confusion Surrounding Authorization Cards:  One of the first things you can expect in an anti-union campaign is for management to try and misrepresent the true nature and purpose of the authorization card (a-card). They will probably refer to the a-card as a “blank check” and liken one to giving away your social security number. These methods are all about creating an atmosphere of fear and paranoia. The authorization card’s sole purpose is to show the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) there is sufficient interest in a union to hold a secret-ballot election. They are NOT membership applications and they are NOT shown to the company. The only ones that see the a-cards are the union and the NLRB. In fact, it is illegal for the company to ask to see them.

Captive Audience Meetings: These are mandatory on-the-clock meetings between managers and workers. Their primary purpose is for the company and their hired professional persuaders to disseminate false or misleading information meant to discredit the union. Often, anti-union workers are planted and encouraged to ask leading questions and sow seeds of doubt.

One-On-One Meetings: During many organizing drives, workers are required to attend isolated or even closed-door meetings with supervisors. This is the union buster’s primary method of assessing support for the union. It is also another opportunity to pressure or intimidate union supporters.

Promised or Token Improvements: Your company will likely try and build trust by promising change is coming. They may install suggestion boxes or even remove some of the most notorious supervisors to demonstrate they are serious. They may even make unexpected improvements to your wages or benefits. The problem is without a legally binding union contract, these improvements that are made can be taken back anytime and anywhere. Then it is back to business as usual.

Employee Testimonials & Vote No Committees: Management will pick favorites and make promises in order to secure vocal opposition to a union. They often recruit workers to form a “vote no” committee. That way they can circulate information that appear to be from the workers’ point of view and give it an unpolished appearance. Just remember – it is the union buster and management who are behind these efforts.

Information Overload: Expect a barrage of Facebook posts, letters to the home, website updates, leaflets and more. Not only is union buster trying to spread lies and false rumors, they are trying to overwhelm you with so much information that you become tired of hearing from both sides. That’s because human nature is to resort to the status quo when you’ve become worn down.

Intentional Delays: Union busters will often go to great legal lengths to try and delay union elections. They’re hope is the longer they delay an election, the more time they will have to try and erode union support. Even after an election is won, there may be even more stall tactics before getting to contract negotiations. Again, this is nothing more than managements attempt to frustrate workers and dampen union support.


The Lies:

Lie: The Union is an Outsider. The union buster’s primary objective is to paint the union as a third party. They will undoubtedly go out of their way to portray the IAM as a big business with fat cat executives. They will probably show graphs about the loss in union membership that only tell half the story. Then they’ll start in on dues, which they will harp on for the entirety of your campaign.

Truth: YOU are the union. YOU decide what issues you want to negotiate with your employer. YOU form your negotiating committee. YOU elect your local lodge, district lodge and International leadership. YOU vote on whether to accept or reject your negotiated collective bargaining agreement. The IAM will provide bargaining assistance and a host of other services, but ultimately your union will be as strong (or weak) as you make it. Oh yeah, we are a 501(c) non-profit organization (look it up).

Lie: Your dues are going to be astronomical. They’ll claim your monthly dues will be so extreme that you won’t be able to pay for basic necessities. They may even make believe they know what your “interests” are and claim you will be sacrificing those to pay union dues.

Truth: Your dues will be roughly 2x your hourly rate per month. That amount may change slightly when you, as union members, propose and approve your local lodge bylaws. Per the IAM constitution, no dues will be paid until a contract is ratified by the membership. Dues get used for many important things such as bargaining support, education, donations to community causes, arbitration and legal services. You can’t put a price tag on the peace of mind that comes with raises you can rely on.

Lie: The IAM will spend all your money on politicians.

Truth: Dues money is not given to political candidates. Any money for political candidates has to come from voluntary member donations to the Machinists Non-Partisan Political League.

Lie: The IAM will take you out on strike! This is one of the union buster’s favorites. Like most of the anti-union campaign, they are using fear as a means to evoke an emotional response from you. They’re hope is fear will outweigh basic logic.

Truth: Strikes get a lot of publicity, but the odds you will ever go on strike are slim. Every year, ninety-eight percent of all IAM contracts are negotiated without a strike, through businesslike, professional negotiations with the employer. The IAM Constitution ensures no one in the IAM can order or force a majority of members to strike against their will. Members covered by the contract are notified and given the chance to vote on the proposed agreement and on whether to strike. It takes a simple majority (50%+ 1) of those voting to accept a contract. It takes a two-thirds majority to strike. With that said, sometimes union members have to strike. It’s a source of power and often times it’s the difference between a so-so and great collective bargaining agreement.

Lie: Collective Bargaining is a gamble. This is presented as bargaining from zero. Union busters will claim that nothing is guaranteed if you form a union. Your wages, benefits and more could improve, stay the same or get worse. They are aiming to create doubt.   

Truth: Your employer is required by law to bargain in good faith. That means demonstrating a sincere effort to compromise on proposals put forth by you and your negotiating committee. It would be illegal for them to cut your wages or benefits in retaliation for voting for the union. Therefore, everything stays the same until you vote to approve a contract. And keep in mind – YOU vote on that contract. So, you don’t have to vote for anything you don’t want. If they really thought you would bargain down your wages and benefits, why would they go to such extreme lengths to oppose the union?

Lie: You will no longer have a direct relationship with management.

Truth: This one is so absurd it’s comical. Did you ever really, anyway? The reality is being able to sit down and negotiate with your employer will finally start to balance the scales of power in your worksite. That creates a MORE direct relationship with management.

Lie: You’re going to lose your job. This will most likely be presented as “we can’t afford the union” or “restrictive work rules” won’t allow us to compete. Again, by making job security and issue they are trying to create fear.  

Truth: Your employer can choose to close your facility regardless of whether a union is present. The reality is union members are more satisfied and hence more productive at work. This reduces costly turnover and makes worksites safer. Not to mention – a union contract has mechanisms in place that can improve your job security. These may include provisions that limit the employer’s right to subcontract or outsource work. Most importantly, if you fall under a union contract you are no longer an “at-will” employee. As it stands, your employer can fire you, discipline you or change your terms of employment without any justification. With a union contract, you’ll have a form of due process the company must follow in order to fire or discipline you. Union representatives will be there to assist you during this process.

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