
Collective Bargaining

Why Collective Bargaining Works –

Collective bargaining is the process in which working people, through their unions, negotiate binding agreements with their employer that determine their terms of employment. Below you will find a summary of how that process will play out once a majority of you vote to join the Union.

Step 1: We will survey everyone who works at Pratt & Whitney. This is done in order to make sure your top priorities are addressed during negotiations. Your bargaining committee will also have shop floor discussions with you and your co-workers to make sure they have the pulse of the larger group.

Step 2: You elect your negotiations committee. These are your co-workers that will join experienced IAM negotiators as they sit down and bargain with the company.

Step 3: We will make information requests to the company regarding things such as health care costs and wage rates. We will also analyze cost of living indexes, aerospace industry standards and other areas to make sure we are putting forth a comprehensive and fair contract proposal to the company.

Step 4: Negotiations will commence. Both the Union and the company negotiation committees meet for full time sessions at mutually agreed upon times, frequency and location. It’s very important to note that the company is, by law, required to bargain in good faith over “wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment.” This includes:

  • Wages
  • Health and safety procedures
  • Discipline and grievance procedure
  • Arbitration
  • Seniority

Fringe benefits are also negotiable. This might include:

  • Vacation
  • Holidays
  • Pensions
  • Health insurance
  • Sick time
  • Severance pay

What does bargaining in “good faith” mean? It means the company has to negotiate in good faith by demonstrating a sincere effort to compromise during the bargaining process. The company must consider each proposal and meet the threshold of good faith.

Step 5: You and your co-workers will vote on the contract. Your negotiation committee will make a recommendation, but it’s ultimately up to the larger body. In order to have a collective bargaining agreement, it must pass by a simple majority (50% +1).

All of this taken together means union members have the ability draw upon their collective power and sit down with management to negotiate how their work like plays out. With that comes respect, consistency and a voice on the job.

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